Safeguarding - Keeping your child safe
The safety and welfare of our students is of the utmost importance. All adults working at the Academy are aware of their duty to protect children from harm and abuse, promote their welfare and be alert to indications that any student might be at risk from harm or abuse. They are aware that this could happen to any child and that any concerns need to be passed on to the Safeguarding Team. If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead.
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding covers the actions we take to ensure the welfare of all our students is protected. More information about specific actions taken by the Academy in certain circumstances, along with important contact information for our own Safeguarding Team and that of our local and neighbouring authorities can be found in our Safeguarding / Child Protection Policy which is updated annually in consultation with our local (Wandsworth) Safeguarding Children Partnership and MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub): Click here to download a copy for your reference.
What is Child Protection?
Child Protection concerns actions taken by the Academy for those students who have been identified as having suffered or may be at risk of suffering significant harm. More information can be found here.
In addition, this section of the website provides specific information about subjects relating to keeping children safe, from FGM to County Lines, and Self-harm to Missing Children. You can access them directly from the menu to the right.
Southfields Academy' Duty of Care:
We have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of our students under the Education Act 2002 and the Children Act 1989 by identifying any child where welfare concerns exist and taking action to address them in partnership with families and other agencies where appropriate.
Southfields Academy works within 'The London Child Protection Procedures' and in accordance with relevant Government statute and guidance:
See below for the subjects we have resources about.