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Southfields Academy

Southfields Academy


Our Attendance Target for the Academic Year 2023-2024 is 96%

  • We expect all students to arrive at the Academy and to lessons on time and to aim for 100% attendance.
  • The Academy operates an automatic communication system, and we will contact parents and carers if their child is absent at registration.
  • All students must attend Tutor Time at the start and end of the day.
  • Please notify the Academy of your child's absence on 020 8875 2634.  On your child's return to the Academy, please provide them with a letter signed by a parent or carer or a note in their Academy diary.
  • Please notify the Academy of any changes to your contact information.

Students are rewarded for achieving 100% attendance and punctuality by being entered into the ‘In It 2 Win It Draw’ which takes place every half term.

The following table may be of interest to you:

% of Attendance

Number of days missed in a school year



0 days missed

Your child will have gained the greatest benefit from their time at school.


9 ½ days – nearly 2 weeks

Your child is likely to achieve the best grades they can.


19 days – nearly 4 weeks

Your child is less likely to achieve their full potential.


28 ½ days – 5 weeks 3 ½ days

It will be difficult for your child to achieve their best; they may struggle to catch up with school work.  A referral may be made to the EWO (Education Welfare Officer).


38 days – 7 weeks 3 days

Intervention by the EWO (Local Authority).


47 ½ days – 9 weeks 2 ½ days

Serious cause for concern.  Possible court proceedings by Local Authority.


57 days – 11 weeks 2 days

Serious cause for concern.  Possible multi-agency intervention and court action by Local Authority.

Student who enjoy regular attendance get into a routine and this is very beneficial to their learning. Unfortunately there are a small number of students whose attendance is 85% or below or they are consistently late. Our Education Welfare Officer will be involved directly with those students. Parents may be called to an Attendance Hearing Panel, receive a Fixed Penalty Notice, or have to attend court to explain to the authorities the reasons for non-attendance/poor punctuality. Contact the Attendance Officer on 020 8875 2634 to report your child’s absence.