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Southfields Academy

Southfields Academy

New Year 7 Students - September 2024

Primary to Secondary Transition - 14th June 2024

Invitations to interviews for you and your child have been emailed to parents/carers.  If you have not received an email, please contact These interviews will take place next week.

It has been lovely to meet many of your children in their primary school setting.  Visits to meet children at their primary school will continue over the coming weeks.  These allow us to meet as many of our new Year 7 students as possible and to help us plan and support their transition to secondary school.

We will post more information here about the transition to secondary school soon and it will be updated regularly with information relating to the start of secondary school.

In the meantime, we wish your child a successful and happy end to their time at primary school.

Preparing Your Child for Secondary School over the Summer Holidays

We know that moving from primary to secondary school can sometimes be a big step for a child, and their parents or carers, so we try to make the transition as smooth as possible.  We run a unique transition programme for our new students before they arrive at the Academy which involves visits to primary schools, one-to-one interviews and an induction day, all of which we know from experience helps to ensure a successful move to secondary school.  Occasionally a student will need further support after they start at the Academy.  In this case we offer a primary-secondary transition group which will ensure that, within a few weeks, a student is feeling secure, happy and confident about life at Southfields Academy.

The BBC has put together some information to support parents / carers with children transferring to secondary school.  Click here to visit.

Our successes

Our students make amazing progress in such a variety of ways, and we pride ourselves on the pastoral care that we give them.  We see each child as an individual, and we will do our utmost to ensure that the needs of all of our students are met during their time at the Academy to equip them for a successful future.

I look forward to welcoming your child to the Southfields Academy family in September.

Wanda Golinska
