IEAP (Individual Education Action Planning) Day is a day when the normal school timetable is suspended and students have individual interviews with their tutor. During these sessions the students will discuss their individual trackers, showing their prior attainment, current progress and targets in all subjects. Parents are invited to attend their child's interview. Students must wear full Academy uniform on IEAP Day.
Shortly before the calendared IEAP days parents / carers will receive a letter explaining the day. On some IEAP days Year Groups may have different activities and events planned, if this is the case this information will be outlined in the letter and / or a separate letter will be sent home.
Effort Level Descriptors
In order for parents / carers to better understand the grading criteria that Southfields staff use when assessing individual student's effort we have outlined our effort grade criteria for reference, this information is also in the student planner.
- I always know what improvements I need to make and consistently work towards them.
- I always complete homework on time and to an excellent standard.
- I always set a good example to others and show resilience and enthusiasm, regardless of the challenges.
- I always present my work to the best of my ability.
- I always try and transfer skills and knowledge between topics and subjects.
- I always know what improvements I need to make and often work towards them.
- I always complete homework on time and to a good standard.
- I usually set a good example to others and show resilience and enthusiasm.
- I usually present my work to the best of my ability.
- I often transfer skills and knowledge between toipics and subjects.
- I rarely work towards improvements I need to make in my work.
- I regularly miss homework deadlines, or complete tasks to an unsatisfactory standard.
- I can set a good example to others but this is often affected by my lack of maturity, resilience and enthusiasm.
- My work is legible, but there is no real time and energy spent on presentation.
- I often transfer skills and knowledge between topics and subjects.
- I do not know what improvements I need to make and make no attempt to find out.
- I never attempt homework.
- I disrupt the learning of others and show no resilience.
- My work is poorly presented
- I make no links between topics and subjects.
Suggested targets for students
The aim of the list below is to give an idea of some suggestions of targets for students. They are 'loosely' categorised, but there are some overlaps. They are worded in a positive way – focusing on what students should do, rather than what they shouldn’t be doing. The targets should empower students, since it gives them clear directions about your expectations and how best they can meet them.
Learning-focused/ independence skills:
- Participate in lessons.
- Ask and answer at least [insert number] question(s) each lesson.
- Use a dictionary to check difficult spellings.
- Use a thesaurus to improve your vocabulary.
- Use resources to support your learning: refer to the board, your exercise book/ notes and textbooks, ask a friend (if permitted).
- Proof-read your work for mistakes.
- Use the green pen to show your corrections.
- Attempt to reach extension activities.
- Respond positively to your teachers’ feedback.
- Try to show determination – don’t give up!
- Try to improve your effort (to reference specific criteria in the list above).
- Show a positive attitude, even when facing challenges.
- Ask for help when you need it.
- Remember all of your equipment.
- Practise giving and receiving valuable feedback to make improvements.
- Make your own notes and write down key words/ phrases, during discussions.
Behaviour / conduct:
- Arrive on time to lessons.
- Attend every lesson.
- Remove outdoor clothing and take out your equipment at the start of the lesson.
- Settle quickly at the start of the lesson.
- Begin starter activity within two minutes of entering the class.
- Face the front at all times.
- Ignore distractions and improve concentration for longer periods of time.
Effort / extra-curricular / other
- Attend/ try an after-school club.
- Hand in homework on time (can be for a particular subject).
- Improve effort in …………… from minimum to good (to reference specific criteria in the list above).
- Take on, and show commitment to, a new responsibility.
If you have any questions about IEAP day or Effort levels then please contact your child's tutor in the first instance.