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Southfields Academy

Southfields Academy

On-site provision for vulnerable students and children of critical workers

Dear Parent and Carers,

I hope this letter finds you and your family safe and well.

Following the government’s recent broadcast I am writing to inform you that the Academy will be closed for ‘face to face’ teaching and will move to our ‘Remote Learning Plan’ for all but our most vulnerable and critical worker children from Wednesday 6th January.

If you are a critical worker and you require an Academy place for your child/children, please complete and submit the booking form via this link: 

From Wednesday 6th of January students who are on our vulnerable register or whose parents have registered as critical workers can come to school to attend the reduced provision.

Year 7,8,9 and Year 12 Level 2 Lesson Times

Students should arrive by 8.10am at the King Georges’ Park gate.

Registration and covid testing.

Students will then join their on-line classes if they have tested negative from 8.20am – 1.10pm

Year 10, 11, 12 Level 3 and Year 13 Lesson Times

Students should arrive by 9.40am at the King Georges’ Park gate.

Registration and covid testing.

Students will then join their on-line classes if they have tested negative from 10.00am – 3.45pm

To ensure the safety of all students and staff on site, the Government has implemented a testing programme in schools. We are asking that you provide your consent to allow this test to take place. The consent form can be found via this link:

Students must be in full uniform and MUST be in possession of a face mask, or for those exempt an exempt card, and they MUST bring in a pair of headphones in order to access the learning. Students with an exemption card will be given a face visor so that all students in attendance have a face covering. They MUST follow all social distancing and safe practice measures in place to minimise the risk of transmission to themselves and others. Failure to abide by these rules may result in the student having to follow the remote home learning plan. Students must also bring a reading book as they will need to read quietly whilst awaiting test results.

Students whilst at the Academy will follow the Academy’s ‘Remote Learning Plan’ and will be supervised throughout all sessions.

Where possible and required we will look to enhance the provision for those individuals who benefit from SEND support. Please note this can only happen if students have taken the covid swab test and prove to be negative and this is also subject to staff availability.

Your child should not attend the Academy on any day if they are required to isolate or someone in your household is displaying symptoms. It is really important that you continue to notify us if your child is not feeling well, is displaying symptoms or has been tested positive for COVID-19. Please email with this information.